MTS Keysafe

Introducing MTS Keysafe


MTS KeysafeMTS Keysafe

A little key fob that gives your keys the best chance to find their way back to you. Your Key to Peace of Mind

MTS Keysafe Features and Benefits:

Unique QR Code: On one side, the MTS Keysafe proudly displays the iconic Motorhome Touring Scotland logo. But flip it over, and you’ll find something even more remarkable—a unique QR code. This unassuming little design packs a helpful tool.

Finders, Meet Owners: Ever misplaced your keys? We’ve all been there. The MTS Keysafe is your secret weapon against lost keys. Here’s how it works: When someone discovers your lost keys (maybe dropped in the car park, left on a shop counter or fallen out of your bag or pocket, who knows where), they can scan the QR code using their iOS or Android device. Instantly, they’re whisked away to a special webpage hosted on Johnny’s Backyard—the digital safe haven for lost keys.

Contact Details at Your Fingertips: That Johnny’s Backyard webpage? It’s like a digital business card for your keys. It displays your contact information—your email address and phone number—so the kind soul who found your keys can reach out and reunite you with your precious belongings. No more frantic searching or late-night lockout dramas! “And You Can Rest Easy”

Low Maintenance: The MTS Keysafe is refreshingly low-tech. No batteries required! Unlike those other high-maintenance key trackers, our fob relies on good old-fashioned QR code magic. Plus, updating your contact details is a breeze—just email Johnny’s Backyard and request the changes. Easy peasy!

Sleek and Unobtrusive: Encased in glass, the MTS Keysafe is elegant and discreet. It won’t weigh down your keyring or clash with your style. Slip on onto your car key ring, house keys, or even your luggage—it’s versatile like that.

But Wait, What About Those Other Devices?

Of course, we’re fair folks. Let’s talk about the competition—the Air Tag type devices. Here’s the scoop:

Cons of Air Tag Devices:

Battery-Operated: Air Tags need juice. They’re like tiny, demanding pets that constantly crave attention (and charging). The MTS Keysafe? It’s chill. No batteries, no fuss.

Bluetooth Range Limitations: Air Tags will only lead you within Bluetooth shouting distance—around 30 meters. But what if your keys decided to explore farther afield? The MTS Keysafe doesn’t play hide-and-seek; it’s all about direct communication.

Phone Dependency: Air Tags rely on nearby phones. If your keys end up in a remote field with no phone signal, tough luck. The MTS Keysafe’s QR code doesn’t care about network coverage—it’s always ready to spill the beans on your contact details.

Bluetooth Must-Have: Air Tags need Bluetooth to connect. But what if you’re in airplane mode or just anti-Bluetooth that day? The MTS Keysafe doesn’t judge; it’s always there, quietly waiting for its moment to shine.

In Summary The MTS Keysafe:

The MTS Keysafe is your trusty sidekick—a blend of elegance, simplicity, and practicality. Say goodbye to key-related stress and hello to peace of mind. Whether you’re a motorhome adventurer, a city dweller, or a frequent traveller, this unassuming fob has your back.

So go ahead, embrace the QR code revolution. Your keys will thank you.

Disclaimer: The Key Fob does not possess magical teleportation abilities. It cannot transport your keys across dimensions or into alternate realities. But it’s darn good at helping you get them back.

Step 1. Fill the Form out below and submit  and then the payment section

Please allow 10 to 14 working days for delivery

Email for extra Key fobs or problems
£1 from every order will go to Race Against Dementia

First Name - Your name will not be used or held with your MTSKeysafe data
Last name - Your name will not be used or held with your MTSKeysafe data
Enter your preferred email address that will be used to contact you in the event your keys are lost. Please ensure you enter the correct email address.
Enter your preferred phone number that will be used to contact you in the event your keys are lost. Please ensure you enter the correct email address.
Postal address, only used for delivery of your Keyring and will not be used or held with your MTSKeysafe data
Postcode, only used for delivery of your Keyring and will not be used or held with your MTSKeysafe data

Step 2. Payment for subscription (£15 per year)
Initial Payment includes a one off set up fee of £5.00